How to Create Baby Shower Invitations

By Jo Philipp

Invitations are a crucial part of any celebration. They are the best way to set the scene for your guests and highlight the kind of party you are aiming to have.

You shouldn’t ever underestimate the power of a good invitation and although you don’t want your invitations to cost a fortune, you do want to send quality invitations to your guests.

If you focus on the quality and design, you can immediately give your guests a favourable first impression. It also shows you value each guest, as you aren’t just handing them a casual piece of paper, but a beautiful, well-thought invitation!

Baby shower invitations come in many shapes and sizes and there are plenty of wonderful ideas out there. Here are some of the best tips we’ve found on how to create baby shower invitations and a few beautiful ideas to keep in mind.


Beautiful baby shower card.Image courtesy of Katrina.alana, CC BY 2.0, via Flickr.


Pick a Theme


First, you want to start by picking a theme or design for your invitation.


The key things to consider when choosing a theme are whether you want to highlight the baby’s gender with the invitation or not. Many mothers don’t necessarily know, or just don’t want to reveal, the gender when they organise a baby shower and therefore you may want to pick a gender-neutral theme.
If you are aware of the gender, then you can always create boy or girl themed cards. For example, you could highlight the baby’s gender with the card’s shape and pick cars, dinosaurs or trains for boys, and go for dolls, flowers and dresses for girls.


Your invitation should have plenty of colours and cute baby items. Image courtesy of PublicDomainPictures via Pixabay.


The other option is to pick a gender-specific colour for the cards. This would typically mean different shades of blue for boys and different shades of red and pink for girls.


If you want to keep the gender a secret, then there are plenty of cute ideas for themes.


In terms of shapes, you could create diaper-shaped invitations or opt for large pacifier-shaped invitation.


You cold also keep it simple and just highlight the theme of your baby shower with a simple image as part of your invitation. For example, if you have a nautical theme, then a picture of a boat on one of the corners is a cute, simple idea.


Print Your Invitations


One of the best ways to save money and to create beautiful invitations is by simply printing out your invitations. There’s plenty of great templates available online that you can print out.


You can even find full printable sets with invitations and decorations. Check out the below Youtube video for some more information on printable set.

You don’t even need a fancy printer for beautiful invitations. Buy some colourful paper, print out the invitation and cut it into the right shape afterwards. You could even add a bit more fun to your baby shower invitation by folding a simple printout into a funky shape.
For example, check out the below Youtube video of how to fold a boat shaped invitation.

If you want to keep the design simple, then you should focus more on the wording of the invitation. Instead of playing with images or designs, include a fun poem to your invitation.

You can find invitation poems online. One of our favourite is the below poem:


Ten tiny fingers, ten tiny toes,

            Baby boy or baby girl? Nobody knows.

            We’d better hurry, baby soon will be here,

            Come to (Name’s) Baby Shower, and help spread the cheer!


Add an Extra Element


You should also consider adding something extra to make the invitation more special. This could simple be a lovely ribbon attached with a clothespin.


If you are organising any baby shower games that require to guest to come prepared remember to include the instructions to your invitation. For example, if you are playing the Nametag-Donation game, you want to add a little nametag for the invitation.


Another cute idea is to add a sweet to your invitation. This could be just a simple mint or single wrapped chocolate, but it will add a lovely little finishing touch to your invitation.


Including Request for Invitations


Baby showers are of course an opportunity for the friends and family to buy you gifts to welcome the new baby into your life. As the showers are typically held for the firstborns only, you often need quite a bit of items and baby showers can guarantee you don’t end up having to buy all of the products yourself.


But you should think carefully before you send the invitations how you are going to ask for gifts. The invitation poem can be a simple way to request specific gifts.


You could even use vintage cards as your invitations and just write a beautiful baby shower poem inside. Image courtesy of Hey Paul Studios, CC BY 2.0, via Flickr.


For example, these lovely poem ideas below from Sweet Leigh Mama would world perfectly:


If you want basic gifts, you could say:


Bring diapers and wipes and new baby toys –

            Just little gifts to share in her joy!


If you are looking for gift cards, you can write:


Mommy and Daddy aren’t quite sure

            What they’ll need once the baby is born.

            Please bring a gift card for the parents-to-be

            So they’ll be ready for whatever they need.


Sometimes you might be throwing a so-called sprinkle shower for the second or third baby, and in these instances, you might not need anything new for the baby. If this is the case,you might say something like:


Bottles, diapers and wipes galore,

            (mommy’s name) and (daddy’s name) are having one more!

            Big (sister or brother’s name) has plenty to share,

            This is only a “Sprinkle” to show that we care.


More importantly, you need to ask for your guests to inform you whether they are coming or not, so always remember to add the details for announcing this.


The key for beautiful baby shower invitations is to think a bit about the theme and plan well. Keep it simple, but add little details to make the invitations a bit more special.
The best baby shower invitations don’t need to cost a fortune. Little quirky shapes or just fun poems can catch people’s attention and show you’ve put some thought into your invitations.


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